Show Dance is a tightly choreographed parade of fourteen strong, self-conscious women who take turns in ‘showing’ off their dance routines, ranging from Lolita naiveté to femme fatale-styled self-control.
Concept: Alexandra Bachzetsis
Performance: Daphni Antoniou, Vela Arbutina, Alexandra Bachzetsis, Ann Demeester, Helga Duchamps, Anna Geering, Annemie Goegebuer, Emilie Nana, Ayelen Parolin, Elsmieke Scholte, Anat Stainberg, Lies Vanborm, Elke Vanlerberghe, Gosie Vervloessem
The Performance Show Dance is sold out. Tickets for Handwerk (14.11.08) are still available.
Show Dance performance of Alexandra Bachzetsis in the frame of her solo show at Kunsthalle Basel (25.10.-16.11.2008).
SHOW by Alexandra Bachzetsis
With the support of: